Support us on Patreon!

This game is our full-time gig, so we're relying on everyone's support to get our bread on the table!
Of course, in addition to the game in general, we’d like to make it a fun process to support and make your guys’ time and money worth while!
Here’s how we plan on doing so.


All tiers get access to our Patreon-only Discord! It’s a casual little place to talk about anything furry, cute, ‘n raunchy!

In general, we love seeing the interaction from the audience about our game! We have a lot of stuff planned, and we’re super excited to see what you guys have to say about it while it’s all coming together.

We will also be hosting random events regarding the game and production, or just random drawing events and what not!

Access and Process!

Gain access to our monthly builds! These will be full of bugs and spoilers! But hey, it’ll be cool seeing what we get done, right?

Also, to those curious about the process (or maybe wanting to make their own game) we will be posting a ton of process shots, talks, and be streaming our progress! (I’m streaming the making of the website right now!)

We highly welcome any questions! It’s always nice to share the synergy and help folks out if they have any questions! Game making is no easy task.

Collaboration! Become a Critter!

For the largest contributors, we’ve got something special in mind!

The largest tier will be Pay-What-you-Want and Pay-As-You-Go.

Basically we’ll keep track of how much money you’ve contributed, and based on that, you can have your own character in the game!

  • Be in our Developers Room (Name/Portrait/Sprite form)

  • Be a temporary/randomly visiting critter! (Sprite Idle, and Portraits)

  • Be a permanent resident! (Sprite Idle, multiple portraits) (NOTE: THESE SLOTS ARE ALL FILLED! 5/1/2021)

    • Have your own quest line?

    • Have your own smut scene?

    • More?!

In addition, you will be working WITH us on your character. There are restrictions in terms of what is allowed in the game. Keep the flavors light ‘n cheery and we’ll all be happy!